Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Wind and the Leaf

He came into my life
like a gush of wind.
I was a dull leaf,
all dried up and weary,
trying to hang on
to my branch......
He didn't have
purpose or direction either.
A restless and reckless wind
that blew haywire.
Until he sighted me...
He blew gently over me,
around me,
until I looked up
with pain and trust
in my eyes....
He then freed me from
the tiresome battle
of hanging on
to the branch.....

Today we fly together,
He holds my hand
and takes me along
and I follow him
singing life's song.

1 comment:

  1. Really Awesome. I read it at a go... very nice concept... I actually like it... hope to read more.
